Sunday, 12 February 2012

Friendship 2012

Friendship these days is not among mates,
But among “Likes” and “Status Updates”.

Your friendship needs to be so expressed,
That anyone who sees it is perplexed.

Show off your slams and autographs,
Upload your friendship as photographs.

Lets see who gets the most comments,
And let that be your friendship’s best of moments.

Forget about talking, it doesn’t make any sense.
Facebook is friendship’s real essence.

When you feel happy, don’t simply smile,
Add lots of “:)” for that’s the new style.

If you cry when you’re sad, you are being a fool,
Just post a “:(“ ‘coz that’s uber-cool.

Laughing, right now is a really old fashion,
“LOL!” seems to have much more passion.

If you miss a friend, talking isn’t the real way to show
Post it on their wall, let the whole world know.

Spill out as much of cheese as you can,
And you’ll be adopted into F.B’s clan.

Don’t talk to your neighbors, are you insane?
Go make some friends in Paris or Spain.

Why waste time going to a friend’s house,
When they are available at the click of a mouse?

Why call your friends when SMS is easy?
It’s fab, it’s cool and so is it sleazy.

This, my “friends”, is friendship’s new style.
Oops, gotta go check my F.B profile.


  1. thanks 4 showing the real world around us....FACEBOOK WORLD!!!!!!!

  2. Still fb's the coolest thing have to agree with it. Too many online friends, too many forwarded texts and stuff are boring...but it's all great when it comes to our real friends :)

    This is ironic since you're a cool facebooker yourself :D

    1. Well, I've tried to bring out the irony in the last line I guess. :D
